Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show 2024 Recap

Our head Mayhem Maker Mindy went to Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show and is giving us the low down of her adventures!

What is Sisters?

Every year on the second Saturday in July, the entire town of Sisters, Oregon transforms into an open air quilt show. The quilts are in every style and pattern and color, and they’re hung all over town. Literally. The whole town comes together and quilts are displayed on the fronts of buildings, draped between trees, hanging from tents, quilts are everywhere. 


How was Mindy’s trip to Sisters?

To put it into one word, it was an adventure! On the first day just trying to get down there, Mindy backed the truck into the trailer trying to get down to Prosser. Then when they were setting up the trailer, they snapped the cable on the slide. I guess we didn’t need extra room to sit when there are quilts to look at! Then we lost a tire in Madras. And all this before we even made it to a single quilt! 

But like every other great quilt show, there’s more than just quilts. There are national teachers (like our friend Giucy Giuce who’s coming to teach again), demos, and all sorts of events and special exhibits.


We even snuck a little shopping in.Yes, we have a 17,000 square foot quilt shop at Quilting Mayhem. Even we come home with beautiful new projects and fabrics from a quilt show! Like this beautiful yarn, but more on that to come.

We love seeing all the beautiful quilts and fabrics see the quilt-lebrities. If you ever get the chance to go to Sisters, you should take it!

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