The Best Threads for Your Domestic Sewing Machine

If you're a quilter, you know that the right thread can make all the difference in your project. Accurate points and intersections, lumpy seams, a dusty machine, all of these things are down to the thread you choose. That's why we've put together a list of our favorite threads for your sewing machine. The Solids Aurifil 50wt Solids: Description: Aurifil's 50wt/2ply thread is a favorite among quilters for good reason.This premium cotton thread boasts strength and durability while maintaining a remarkably thin profile. It produces flat and crisp seams, making it ideal for piecing. Uses: This thread

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What can a serger do?

There’s nothing like sitting down at your sewing machine and knowing that you have everything you need to make exactly what you want. But do you ever look at your sewing space and think to yourself, ”something is missing.” We know exactly what that is. You, my friend, need a serger. Whether you make garments or quilts, this versatile machine is a game-changer that will make your projects not only easier but more polished and professional. What is a serger?  At its core, a serger, also known as an overlocker, is a specialized sewing machine designed to

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How to Go On A Fabric Diet

Ah, the smell of fresh fabric, the sound of silky threads running through your machine needle, and the thrill of a stack of patterns waiting to be brought to life - for a quilter, these are a few of our favorite things. Yet as we start a new year, many of us are considering a unique resolution that might initially sound like taking all the fun out of quilting: a fabric diet. What is a fabric diet? We’ve all heard that strict diets are the hardest to keep and most likely to fail. So let me assure

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Creative Habits for Temperature Quilts

We’ve talked before about our Top 5 Tips for Planning Your Temperature Quilt, but let’s look at it from a different perspective. As we step into a new year, full of possibilities and resolutions, a temperature quilt helps you make room for a bit of daily sewing time. It’s not only about tracking your days, but keeping your days creative.  Choosing Your Color Palette The first step in planning your temperature quilt is to decide on the temperature range for each fabric. Usually, each color represents a five-degree temperature range with purples, blues, and cool tones as

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Create Your Quilting Wishlist: A Step By Step Guide

Create a holiday wishlist at Quilting Mayhem to add a touch of magic to the holiday season. With the wishlist, you're in the driver's seat, or rather Santa’s Sleigh, and you can fill your wishlist with every sewing and quilting item you want. No more awkward surprises – unless you want them. You’re in control of organization so you can easily prevent duplicates and the easy sharing options make spreading the holiday cheer a breeze. It's like sending out a letter to Santa, only this time, your loved ones get to play Santa. Here’s how

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Holiday Gift Guide for Quilters

The holiday season is coming up fast, and it's time to show some extra love to each of the talented quilters and sewists in your life. However they love to stitch up a storm, our curated gift guide is here to help you find the perfect presents that not only make their projects more fun but also show how much you appreciate their artistry. Quilting Mayhem always works to bring you the best fabrics, essential tools, inspiring books and innovative gadgets, and our guide is a one-stop shop for bringing a smile to any stitcher’s

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Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably Came to Quilting Mayhem

Quilting Mayhem always works to bring you the best sewing machines, projects, and classes. This October, however, we took our commitment to bringing you the best whole new level by hosting an event that brought the international quilting world right to our doorstep in Snohomish. Quilting with Legends On the weekend of October 8th, 2023, Quilting Mayhem welcomed Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably for a rare in-person event. It’s not often we get to welcome two of the quilting world’s brightest stars! We had classes, lectures, and all the fun stuff planned for the weekend. And did

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Meet the Mayhem Makers: DeeAnn

We’re back with another chat with one of our Mayhem Makers. Quilting Mayhem is a big place, and everyone has their favorite part. There’s beautiful fabrics, advanced machines, and ideas everywhere. Let’s talk to one of our resident experts. My name is DeeAnn and I work in the machine department. Hi, DeAnn! Let’s get to it. How did you get started quilting or sewing? I started sewing as a young child, learning from my Grandmother, Mother, and Aunts. A family affair! What’s your favorite part of the quilting process? Choosing just the right fabrics for each project It’s the best. And

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Meet the Mayhem Makers: Kimberly

Quilting Mayhem is a big place; it’s 17,000 feet of fabric, sewing machines, and inspiration. And there’s a lot of hands behind the scenes making all of it work seamlessly (yes we said seamlessly!). For today’s post, we’re doing something a little different and sharing the people that make Quilting Mayhem the treasure it truly is. Let's meet the Mayhem makers! I'm Kimberly, and I work in Fabricland. Let’s start at the beginning. How did you get started quilting or sewing?   I started sewing when I started at Quilting Mayhem. The other staff are so enthusiastic and inspirational

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The B790 Pro is Made for You

Sometimes it's hard to get excited about a new gadget. You get the feeling that it wasn't actually made for quilters and their problems. Machine makers don't remember that sometimes threading the needle is fiddly. Or that a quarter inch seam can need a little guidance. Or the machine goes fast, but it sure goes loud, too. When we saw the new BERNINA 790 Pro, we knew it was different. The 790 Pro includes all the things a quilter needs to have the smoothest, most fulfilling sewing experience from their sewing machine. The 790 Pro is

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