Why Shopping Small At Quilting Mayhem is a Big Deal for Quilting, Sewing, and Crafting Enthusiasts

We love to quilt, to sew, and to make things. Call it a cherished pastime, or an obsession depending on the day, but making mayhem is a have-to activity, our creative outlet, and an escape from the daily stresses of life. Since we think so much about what to make, you can bet we put thought into where we shop. While big box retailers may seem convenient, shopping small and supporting local businesses, such as Quilting Mayhem, is the way to go. Supporting Your Local Small Businesses Small businesses are the lifeblood of local economies. By choosing

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Guy looking at a large sewing machine on the horizon

How to Buy a Sewing Machine for a Quilter: The Ultimate Gift Buying Guide

Buying a sewing machine for a quilter is a wonderful act of love, but it can also be confusing (especially if you’re not someone who currently sews). Purchasing the top-of-the-line machine does not always mean it’s the right one, and buying a machine with the wrong features can cause confusion for the sewist trying to learn a new machine. On the plus side, buying a machine with extra features can give a person room to grow and expand their sewing knowledge. While there are many lists of “recommended machines,” it’s still hard to know what your

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a quilt tailor choosing fabric

We have a blog!…..Again

Yes, I am back at it again. It's been a couple of years since I worked on the last Quilting Mayhem blog, and a lot has happened since then. If you haven't come to visit us in the last year and a half, we have moved off of First Street and up to a much larger facility on Second Street in downtown Snohomish. This gave us the chance to expand everything, along with adding a larger Machine Service Center and retreat rooms that we rent. In light of a lot of brick-and-mortar quilt shops closing

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